Serena is a heritage bird, unlike the majority of turkeys raised for food in the United States. Whether turkeys are raised on factory farms or smaller establishments, however, they are subjected to similar acts of cruelty. Serena was debeaked and detoed: painful procedures in which the tips of the beak and toes are removed without anesthetic. These practices are carried out to prevent fighting among these overcrowded and overstressed birds, yet these behaviors do not occur when turkeys are allowed to live as nature intended. Despite the cruelty she once faced at human hands, Serena is a friendly girl who loves meeting people and being petted.
Serena and Venus remained close over the years. When Venus passed in late 2021, we worried how Serena would respond to her loss. Our caregiving team says she’s been resilient and still enjoys her regular routine. We often see her snuggling with her good friend Thelma.